

This letter contains important information pertaining to the Merit-Based Scholarships that are available for Oak Grove students. These scholarships are competitive and are not based on financial need. Applications will be reviewed by a panel of individuals that is put together in conjunction with our partner 教堂es in the area consisting of Youth Directors, 执事, Pastors as well as other community partners associated with Oak Grove. All recipients are selected through an objective and anonymous process. Please encourage your student(s) to apply for these merit-based scholarships.

In regard to merit-based scholarships, students frequently ask the following questions:


Current students in grades 5-11 who are accepted for fall 2024 admissions. Applicants must meet certain criteria listed on the scholarship descriptions page.


Those seeking merit-based scholarships must complete and submit the required application materials including an online application and scholarship-specific essays.


截止日期是 A2024年4月15日. 所有申请必须在截止日期之前在线提交. *Note, some scholarship applications require letters of recommendation. 信件可以通过电子邮件发送给马修.hallaway@rurupa.com或邮寄到学校(收信人:马修Hallaway).  


奖学金是根据成绩颁发的 正规的棋牌平台排行榜的学术大会 5月. Parents will be notified in advance if their student has received an award.

我们希望这些信息能对你的家人有所帮助. 请通过电话联系马修·哈拉威
(701) 373-7152或电邮至 马太福音.hallaway@rurupa.com 如果你有任何问题.




701.373.7152 |马太.hallaway@rurupa.com



Academic and competitive scholarships are based on merit, not on financial need. Oak Grove在读学生, 还有那些被秋季录取的学生, 鼓励符合奖学金标准的学生申请. 单独的评审小组将选出获奖者. 奖学金将颁发给正规的棋牌平台排行榜学院 学术荣誉毕业典礼 五月底.


  • 完成奖学金申请 在线: 优异奖学金申请
  • 回应 to all of the individual questions pertaining to each of the scholarships you are applying for. 把你的论文保存在每个奖学金的单独文件中. 请在文件标题中注明“奖学金名称-您的姓名”.
  • Do 在你的文章中写上你的名字. 标题必须包括奖学金的名称.
  • 上传你的论文 (PDF或Word文件- .医生或 .docx) using the file uploader on the last page of the online Scholarship Application. 每个奖学金都有一个单独的文件上传器, 所以一定要把你的文件上传到正确的奖学金.


古斯塔夫 & margaret Hektner家庭学术卓越奖学金

奖学金颁发给平均绩点达到的学生 3.50 or above for the current school year and who actively participate in their communities. 入年级学生 6-12 符合条件的人士可申请. 申请过程包括一篇书面论文. (每个年级提供350美元的奖学金.)

应用程序要求: The mission of Oak Grove is “to express God’s love by nurturing students for academic achievement, lifelong Christian commitment and loving service throughout the world.350字以内, write an essay in answer to: What are your feelings on the topic of student responsibility to the mission of Oak Grove Lutheran School?


Lynn Benson Hjelmeland“卓越学校”奖学金

奖学金颁发给即将入学的大一或大二学生. Recipients must be active in 教堂 youth group, Sunday School, choir, music ministry or teaching. The successful candidate must plan to contribute to the Oak Grove community through participation in extracurricular activities. 奖学金标准包括GPA不低于3分.25岁或以上,并附一篇论文. (一个800美元的奖学金.)

应用程序要求: Write an essay of 350 words or less in response to: How do you plan to contribute to the Oak Grove community as a Christian and as a student?


Scholarships are awarded to current Oak Grove students entering grades 8-12. 资格仅限于那些保持GPA为3的人.50 or above and who actively participate in extracurricular activities. 要求写一篇正规棋牌游戏排行榜课外活动的短文. (4个500美元的奖学金.)

应用程序要求: Submit an essay of 350 words or less stating how you have benefitted from your involvement in extracurricular activities, and why you feel extracurricular activities are important to Oak Grove’s school community.


奖学金授予9-12年级的学生. Eligibility is based on the following criteria: Lutheran 教堂 membership; Demonstrated leadership; 累积绩点3.50 or above; Active participation in 教堂, school, and community activities. A short essay stating the applicant’s goals and aspirations for the future is required. (两份500美元的奖学金.)

应用程序要求: Write an essay of 350 words or less stating what goals you have set for yourself in relation to being a student at Oak Grove? In addition, please list your long-term goals… What do you desire to do with your life?

Arvid Berg音乐充实奖学金

Scholarship provides private vocal or instrumental instruction for one year. Applicants must be current Oak Grove students in grades 9-11 who have had a minimum of one year of private music instruction at Oak Grove and who demonstrate a strong desire to enrich their lives through music. 申请包括一篇书面论文. (两份450美元的奖学金.)

应用程序要求: 用你自己的话来说, please explain what you hope to gain from the total music experience at Oak Grove Lutheran School. How will the continuation of private music instruction assist you in your efforts? 你将如何把你学到的东西应用到你未来的努力中? Include accomplishments, goals, obstacles, challenges, strengths, and weaknesses, if applicable. (350字以内)

Jens和Jeanne Tennefos学生公民奖学金

Current and incoming Oak Grove students entering grades 9-12 who have demonstrated exemplary citizenship, 比如担任班级干部或学生会代表, 被邀请申请这个奖项. This award recognizes student involvement both within and outside the Oak Grove community. (10


应用程序要求: Applicants must submit a 300-word essay describing their role in student leadership in their school, 教堂, 和/或社区. Essays will be evaluated on understanding citizenship through examples drawn from personal involvement. The application must include a letter of reference from a pastor or adult leader who is not serving on the staff at Oak Grove.


The Red River Trap Shooting Club is a 501(c)(3) public charity created in 2015 with the purpose of providing sustainable annual funding to the Oak Grove Trap Team. Scholarships will be awarded to current Oak Grove Trap Team members entering grades 7-12. 累积绩点3.00或以上. 颁发两份500美元的奖学金.

应用程序要求: Applicants must submit an essay of 350 words or less on how has the Sport of Trap Shooting impacted your life? 作为参与者,你有什么好处? How is the sport helping you as a student at Oak Grove and person in your community?

